Kris Kendall Coaching
Two-Day Intensive
2-day in-person intensive at the location of your choice within the USA
Done-For-You Publishing
Is your book written and you just need help publishing it? We've got you covered.
The Offer Expert - Hourly
Spend one hour with The Offer Expert and get clarity on  your ideal offer
Hourly Coaching
Not ready to commit to a package? We understand. We can work together on an hourly basis to get you the results you're looking for.
Introductory Consultation
Not ready to commit to the best year of your life? We understand. Let's have a quick talk to see if there is a fit between us.
A Month of Offer Expertise
Ready to make changes but not sure where to start or what they might look like? That's okay. You don't need to have all the answers. All you need is the drive and determination to do it. We'll figure out the rest as we go.
A Month of Clarity
Ready to make changes but not sure where to start or what they might look like? That's okay. You don't need to have all the answers. All you need is the drive and determination to make those changes. We'll figure out the rest as we go.
Start Your Transformation
Commit to the best (half) year of your life by allowing Kris to guide you through the obstacles holding you back while achieving the goals you're finally ready to tackle.
A Transformative Year
Commit to the best year of your life by allowing Kris to guide you through the obstacles holding you back while achieving the goals you're finally ready to tackle.
Best Friend Experience
Always on your side. Always supportive of you. Always willing to give you the hard truths when you need to hear them. And caring comfort when you need that.  The Best Friend Experience.
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