Jen Wike Huger
Let's bring your expertise to light.
Sunshine Strategic Partnership
Establish a deep and ongoing partnership with 10 hours of expert content or community strategy and hands-on creation each week, including a weekly check-in session to discuss progress, strategize, and ensure alignment with your goals.
Sunshine Advisory Sessions
Two in-depth, powerful advisory sessions to uncover and untangle the challenges that are keeping you from moving forward. Let's create or improve your content or community strategy!
Sunshine Growth Collaboration
Elevate your content or community strategy with a weekly 1-hour ideation and implementation session plus three additional hours to collaboratively review and refine your strategy.
Content Creation Package
Support your content strategy today with fresh, quality content. Choose from Sunshine's a la carte menu.
Custom Content Consultation
Tailor your content strategy to fit your budget and goals. In this flexible package, you provide your budget, and I provide a bespoke plan on how best to utilize it for maximum impact. 
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